CIF Sac-Joaquin Section

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9/26/2017 9:46 AM  #1

Grace Davis 2018/2019 Seasons - 2 year cylce - Weeks 1-2-3

Grace Davis is looking for games for the 2018 and 2019 seasons. 2 year agreement. Home and away rotation. All three levels.
Week 1 - 8-24-17 ( same week for 2018)
Week 2 - 8-31-17 (same week for 2018)
Week 3 - 9-7-17 (same  week for 2018)
Please contact me if interested. Timmy Garcia - 209-985-6378 / Grace M Davis High School​ Athletic Director / Head Football Coach

Last edited by qbgarcia (9/27/2017 7:40 PM)


10/12/2017 7:51 AM  #2

Re: Grace Davis 2018/2019 Seasons - 2 year cylce - Weeks 1-2-3

Coach, Golden Valley HS is interested in your week 3 opening if still available.
Contact Rick Martinez: 


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