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As the season goes and the schedules start to get tight, we know that our lower levels may be looking for a extra game or two. So Kimball will host its 2nd Annual F/JV Winter Shootout. Last year we had 14 schools from all over the area that came together and played. The bonus is you can play one or two games depending on your program need. I will actively start to accept invites after the 1st week of December. If this interests you now, please commit after the 1st week of December where I will begin to focus on putting the event together.
We are just about done with our schedules heading into the summer. If you would like to express interest in coming to the shootout because your lower level schedule is short please reach out. it will be a one day event on jan 13 and you will have the option to play one or two games,
Just as schedules are being finalized. i am now accepting teams that would like to participate in our winter shootout for JV and frosh levels who will need extra games. I will reach out again at the beginning of December
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