CIF Sac-Joaquin Section

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11/04/2021 9:18 AM  #1

Hiram Johnson games week 2/4

Week 2 must be away.
Looking for 2 year contracts.

Please text


11/05/2021 1:48 PM  #2

Re: Hiram Johnson games week 2/4

Coach what is your date for week 4?

Let me know
Coach Ward
Winters High


11/08/2021 9:25 AM  #3

Re: Hiram Johnson games week 2/4

Coach Ward wrote:

Coach what is your date for week 4?

Let me know
Coach Ward
Winters High

Hey coach,
We had someone contact us for the week 4.
Sept 9 is the date.

     Thread Starter

11/29/2021 8:30 PM  #4

Re: Hiram Johnson games week 2/4

sorry... just saw the date... so do you still have 9/9 available?



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